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20 illuminating facts about Twitter: 2012 edition

1. There are 100 million active Twitter users.

2. 50 percent of these 100 million users log in every day.

3. 40 percent of Twitter users don’t actually tweet; instead, they read news, click links, and follow accounts.

4. 15 percent of adult on the Internet used Twitter in February 2012.

5. Twitter has 500 million registered profiles; 100 million are from the U.S.

6. The top three countries that use Twitter are the United States, Brazil, and Japan.

7. Twitter gets 300,000 new visitors every day.

8. 11 Twitter accounts are created every second.

9. One million accounts are added to Twitter every day

10. On a busy day, Twitter sees about 175 million tweets.

11. 750 tweets are shared on Twitter per second.

12. If Twitter were a country, it would be the 12th largest in the world.

13. 30 percent of Twitter users have an income greater than $100,000.

14. There are more searches on Twitter each month than Yahoo and Bing—combined (24 billion vs. 4.1 billion and 9.4 billion, respectively).

15. The original Twitter was launched on CEO Evan William’s birthday.

16. The busiest Twitter moment in history was the “Castle in the Sky” TV screening with more than 25,088 tweets per second.

17. Lady Gaga is the most popular Twitter user with 19,341,413 followers.

18. 92 percent of Twitter users say they would retweet “interesting” content.

19. 64 percent of users access Twitter through Twitter.com; 16 percent access it through a mobile app, and 10 percent through a Twitter client such as Hootsuite or TweetDeck.

20. 69 percent of Twitter users decide whom to follow via suggestions by friends; 47 percent by searching online; 44 percent by Twitter’s suggested followers; and 31 percent by promotion.

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